Bonvila Icli Kofte

Size: 4 pieces

Stored as frozen, delivered chilled. Consume within 24 hours according to Food Standards Agency regulations.


We're introducing hand-made Icli Kofte made right here in the heart of the UK by the caring hands of Bonvila!


Ingredients: Bulgur, Minced Onions, Salt, Pepper, Finely Ground Beef.

Must boil or fry depending on preference, cooking instructions will be on our package!

Packs of four delicious Icli Koftes.

Buzu cozulmus icli koftelerimiz dilerseniz derin bir tavaya kizgin yagda pembelesinceye kadar kizartilir veya icerisine biraz limontuzu koyularak kaynatilmis suya atilarak 8-9 dk kaynatilir. Su yuzune cikmaya baslayan kofteler servise hazir. Afiyet olsun.

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